About Harry's Songs

Harry did not write pop songs. He wrote stories. Mini-epic tales of human struggles, tragedies, and futility but almost always with an unexpected, sometimes shocking twist of hope at the end. He was a word wizard and even more, his songs matched the simple musical scale and chords with the meaning of the words he wrote better than anyone I ever found before or after finding Harry's songs. You do not listen to Harry just to pass the time unless you are not really listening. You listen to Harry to feel an emotional catharsis. To be be blown away. To laugh and cry and be amazed by the wonder of all-too real human drama and folly and hope in song.

If you do not find all this and more in his songs, perhaps it is not really there and it is all in my mind. Or perhaps you are not really there and this all in your mind. :)

Let me know, either way.

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